
JPJ Invest Legal Notice

Please read the following legal notice carefully before using any of the websites of JPJ Invest Pte Ltd, its subsidiaries, joint ventures, associates, affiliates and cooperating companies.

You may use the websites of JPJ Invest only to gather information for your personal use and to communicate and conduct business with us. When you download information or make use of our sites in any other way, it will be understood that you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. If for any reason you are unwilling or unable to abide by these terms and conditions then please refrain from using our sites or accessing any information contained in them.

Limited Licence

The contents of the websites of JPJ Invest including, but not limited to, the text, images and design arrangements they contain are the property of JPJ Invest – unless it is specifically stated otherwise. All trademarks that our sites contain or refer to are the property of their individual owners.

When you visit our websites, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, JPJ Invest grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive and limited right to access, display and use the materials they contain. When you access, display or use our sites it is understood that you agree not to disrupt or try to disrupt their functioning in any way.

When you visit our websites, JPJ Invest gives you permission only to access and download their contents for your individual, non-commercial use. This does not entail any transfer of title or ownership over the contents. Any use of our websites’ contents is covered by the following restrictions: A) All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in or referring to the contents that are downloaded must be retained and shown on all copies; B) No contents can be changed or adapted in any way; C) No contents may be publicly exhibited, presented, or disseminated or otherwise used for any public or commercial purposes; and D) No contents may be passed to a third party unless that party is made aware of and accepts our terms and conditions of use.

JPJ Invest may revise and add to the restrictions and conditions it places on the use of our sites. Any such changes will be displayed on the respective sites. When you use our sites it is understood that you will make yourself aware of the latest set of restrictions and conditions that apply and that you agree to abide by them.

All our websites and their contents are copyrighted and protected by international copyright laws and related treaty provisions. When you use our sites, you agree to both comply with all international copyright laws and to stop any illegal copying of our sites’ contents. Unless it is expressly stated, JPJ Invest does not grant any rights to you — either implied or express — under any copyrights, trademarks, patents or trade secrets information legislation.

JPJ Invest may terminate the authorisation given to you in the license above. If such termination takes place, you shall immediately destroy all information and resources you have obtained from or through our sites.


Although we aim for the highest standards of accuracy, the websites of JPJ Invest may contain typographical errors and other inaccuracies. The use of any information obtained from our websites is undertaken at your own risk and JPJ Invest cannot be held responsible for (and does not guarantee) the accuracy, reliability or comprehensiveness of any information displayed on our websites.

JPJ Invest reserves the right to make any alterations to our sites at any time without giving notice. These changes can include, but are not limited to, alterations to site content or to any products, services and programmes (and their prices, if listed) that our sites describe or catalog. We also reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to correct any inaccuracies or oversights in any section of any of our sites.

In addition JPJ Invest may stop or suspend the availability of any part or feature of our sites at any time without notice. JPJ Invest may also restrict access to parts or all of our sites without notice or liability.

Our sites and their contents are provided to users without any express or implied representation or warranty of any kind. Some localities do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above may not apply to you.

Other Sites

JPJ Invest may include links to websites of other organisations on our own sites. If you decide to leave the sites of JPJ Invest to visit any of these linked sites, you do so at your own risk. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to take precautions against viruses or other similar problems. By carrying a link to a website, JPJ Invest is not in any way endorsing, sponsoring or guaranteeing that site, the information it contains or any of the products or services it offers. Links do not imply that JPJ Invest is affiliated or associated with any trademark, trade name, logo or copyright symbol displayed in or accessible through the linked site, nor that it is legally allowed to use them. Conversely links do not imply that any linked site is authorised to use any trademark, trade name, logo or copyright symbol of JPJ Invest.

Information You Supply

When you visit the websites of JPJ Invest, it is important that you do not send us (or any of our affiliates or subsidiaries) any confidential or proprietary information. If you, or anyone acting on your behalf, does send us (or our affiliates or subsidiaries) any information or resources via our sites, then it is understood that you agree that this submission will not be considered confidential or proprietary and that it does not contain or include proprietary material held by a third party. In addition it is understood that you agree that you are legally entitled to send any information or resources that you transmit to us and will refrain from sending us any information or resources which you are not legally entitled to send. Please note that JPJ Invest will assume a permanent, unrestricted, universal, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, display, publicly perform, transmit and distribute any information you send via our sites. It is also understood that you agree that we (and any of our affiliates and subsidiaries) are free to use any ideas, concepts or know-how that you, or someone acting on your behalf, provide via our websites. Furthermore it is understood that you, or anyone acting on your behalf, will not send JPJ Invest any information or resources that are offensive, intimidating, obscene, or illegal or involving proprietary information of a third party.

JPJ Invest shall not be liable in any eventuality for any damages, direct or indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential, of whatever nature (including, but not limited to, business profit losses, work interruptions or information or data losses) related to the use of or inability to use any of our websites (or parts of our websites or any linked websites), even if JPJ Invest has been warned that such damages could occur.

Changes to this Agreement

JPJ Invest reserves the right to modify, amend or change this Agreement or the terms of use of its websites in any way at any time. Notice of any such alterations will be posted and they will be effective from the time such notification is given. If you continue to use any of our sites after notification of any alterations to this Agreement has been posted then it will be understood that you have accepted those alterations.

International Users and Choice of Law

JPJ Invest websites are run and managed by JPJ Invest Pte Ltd from its administrative centre in the Republic of Singapore. All the above Terms and Conditions of use are strictly governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions. JPJ Invest does not guarantee that the contents of its websites are suitable for or accessible in other countries or territories. It should be understood that access to them in territories where their contents are considered illegal is not allowed. You and you alone are solely responsible for conformity with all local laws if you gain access to JPJ Invest websites from outside Singapore.

All the above terms and conditions make up the entire Agreement between you and JPJ Invest with respect to your use of our websites. Any claims or actions which you may have must be brought to our attention within one (1) year after the cause of the action occurs failing which you agree not to pursue the matter with us regardless of the nature or cause. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any stipulation of this Agreement to be unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, that stipulation shall be enforced to the maximum allowed extent so that the intent of this Agreement is achieved. The remainder of this Agreement shall then remain in full force and effect.